Monday, 5 August 2013

Adik-Adikan sa DOTA

"AAHH!!!" "STUN DOO!!!" "SLOWHI UY!!!" "WA KUY MANA SH**!!"  . . . . . These are the battle screams you'll probably hear when you visit your local internet shop , It sounds like a prison riot but looks like a tea party right? Next thing you know , chairs will be thrown around with weak fists and icepicks. Well. . . isa lang ang sagot , DOTA. Internet cafes have made fortunes from school kids who wont buy their lunches anymore just for a game of DOTA. But how tough could it be to just say "I'll stop after this last game"? , Its as hard as watching a full episode of Kris TV , its haaard!!

Just about a few weeks ago , I knew nothing about Dota , well maybe a little this and that , but If I were to take a test about it back then , I would fail , and my friends would have been top-notchers. So there came a time that I began to think about giving it a shot , So I went to the Local internet shop , and as Usual it would still be full and you would have to wait in line , Pay 5 bucks for an hour , I mean how do they earn from this? I meet my friends , go a game , and lose to them as I expected. Leaving the shop , i really thought that would have been my last game since I didn't have a shot at it at all , but by the next day , my friends invited me to another game , This time , I was a tad little better than before , and we actually won the game . It felt great , and from that day on , I've been so attached to the game that all I think about is a new Item Build or a new strategy. Spending most of my daily allowance on Games with my friends that last for hours. man it's a very smart way to lure in students to quit school and use their education money for computer rentals , but at least its safer to be addicted to Dota than to be addicted to sniffing toilet cleaners or sumthing.

An Internet shop is nothing without Dota , unless your neighborhood is inhabited by little kids that play racing games and club penguin , then your Shop would be a ghost town. Back when I was young , computer shop rentals were hell high , I mean it was the dawn of emo friendster pics and happy tree friends. The Computer shops were small but people fight their way in to get a glimpse of a new 240p music video by My Chemical Romance that has been loading for 2 hours. Nowadays , computer shops are jam packed and hella fast , And the faster the connection , the better the gameplay , the more customers , the more young lives ruined by fictional ogres battling each other to the death. The more maganda ang future ng Pilipinas.

But seriously guys , Dota is a really fun game and it actually helps you with math and strategies ang blah blah blah. I'm not asking anyone to stop playing Dota , nor am I asking anyone to start playing Dota , But just put this in mind , its Nothing Personalan.

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